Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Draft Rules

The Draft of Everything in the History of the World

Welcome to the draft of everything in the world. The premise is simple, you, the player, can draft anything in the entire world, to the exclusion of the other players, when it is your turn to select. The draft consists of 58 rounds and will proceed in a “snake fashion”, meaning that when the last player in a round drafts, he will get the first pick in the following round and the draft will proceed in the reverse order of the prior round. Each player will have a maximum of two minutes to make a selection. Should a player fail to make a selection within 2 minutes, the next player in line can make his selection, followed by the next player, and the next player and so on.

There are certain limitations that must be addressed at this time. Things that are inherent to our everyday lives cannot be drafted. Examples of these items include: Water, Oxygen, Gasoline, the internet, and Sunlight. Examples of things that would not fall into this category: Coke, ESPN, and Beer (no matter how much some of us might think beer o or ESPN might be a necessary part of our lives). Additionally, in certain situations something that encompasses many subparts may be drafted, in some of these instances, those subparts may be available for selection as well. For example, Player 1 can draft the NFL, while player 2 can draft the New England Patriots as NFL teams necessarily exist as separate entities.

Finally, just due to simple necessity and organization, certain categories have been established and a requisite number of selections have been set aside for these categories. The categories and said requisite numbers were chosen at complete random, but it is hoped that they are adequate for these purposes. Please read the description next to the category for any limitations of the category. Categories must be entirely filled by the players before moving on to the next category in order. This is done with the hopes of furthering discussion on the long drive to Las Vegas. If a category is filled when a player’s turn arrives, he may choose any unfilled category and the make the first pick of that category. Good Luck.

Player 1 is now on the clock…

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