Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Category 13: Vice









The rule for this category is simple: Players may draft one vice that may or may not eventually come to harm them down the road. After some initial confusion, Eric started off this category with the vice of Gluttony. In other words, his potential downfall could come from eating excessively. Its not a “sexy” vice, but it was a good pick. Upside: Delicious food all the time. Downside: Heart Attack, Stroke, Diabetes. Not bad at all.

My choice was gambling. It was a tough call between that and drinking, since I very well could consider both of those vices already. However, I felt that gambling brings more of a thrill and more of a downside (hence the thrill). I’ve gone on blackjack binges of 6 and 8 hours straight, telling myself to get up when I am up a certain amount. If I’m not in Vegas, usually I am not successful. Besides, I think drinking, at least socially, would be more of a crutch for me, not a vice. Upside: Adrenaline rush that becomes addictive every time a card comes out. Winning lots of money. Downside: Going broke. Living on the streets. End up turning to drugs or gambling with your life, since you can get that "high" anywhere else.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Good luck with that Khurram. Granted you may experience the highest of the highs with respect to the rest of us. But with women comes the possibility of being broke (just like gambling) or being driven to the bottle. So I guess you could end up just like most of the rest of us. Solid choice. I had never thought of women as a vice until before he made this pick. Now, I really can’t think of a better one. Upside: Pleasant company, "companionship", and many other "things". Downside: See the downside for every other vice on this list, oh and ending up like the next John Bobbitt.

Finally, Derrick closes the category out with drinking. Alcohol can surely be a vice, and its not pretty when it becomes one. As far as upside potential vs. possible repercussions, this one might have the worst return. Nevertheless, its alcohol, so I can’t really knock it. Can I? Upside: Getting buzzed. Becoming more socially able. Getting to enjoy the taste of good liquor. Downside: Alcoholism. DUI's. Going broke. Throwing up. Alcohol Poisoning. Death.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Category 12: Skill





Tenchu Stealth

Bill Clinton’s Speaking Ability

Rainman’s Card Counting

Batman’s Sleuthing

Revolver Ocelot’s Shooting Ability

Monk’s Sleuthing Ability

MacGuyver’s Improvising

Robin Hood’s Archery

Jordan’s Clutch

Buffet’s Investing Ability

Chuck Norris’ Fighting

George Washington’s Leadership

Round 1: Derrick kicks off round 1 with Tenchu Stealth. An interesting choice and one that could pay some dividends if trying to sneak into a room for some untoward purpose. Otherwise, because he drafted no fighting ability, I can’t imagine what other use he could possibly have for it. Khurram follows up with Bill Clinton’s speaking ability. The man could no doubt give a great speech, and in interviews he managed to come off sounding intelligent and like he had known you forever. Yet, despite all of this, he is best known for the line: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. In short, I definitely understand this pick for Khurram. Seeing as how we were headed to Vegas at the time, I had to go for Rainman’s Card Counting ability. And judging by the fact that I was the only one who came out ahead by the time we headed home, it looks like it paid off. Eric finishes out the round with Batman’s sleuthing ability. I have to attribute all of this Batman drafting to the fact that Dark Knight had just come out, still though you could certainly do worse than Batman’s sleuthing ability. I mean, he’s still ticking after dealing with countless villains and no true super powers.

Round 2: Eric starts round 2 by drafting Robin Hood’s archery, a skill that will surely come in hand for our proposed battle to the death and perhaps to shoot the apple off someone’s head but not much else. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still think it’d be cool as hell to be able to shoot an arrow like that. I think my choice in this round pretty much takes the cake. MacGuyver was the ultimate improviser. I mean every week the man with only one name got himself into all kinds of dangerous situations, never brought a gun, and still got out alive. Let’s put it this way, I have a pair of scissors, a three hole punch, coffee cup, some paper clips and my ipod by this computer right now. I’m pretty sure MacGuyver could build a bomb, a communications device, or airplane if necessary. Why? Because he’s fucking MacGuyver, that’s why. Monk is awesome because he strikes you as the kind of guy who wouldn’t have the excellent sleuthing abilities that he possesses. Able to pick up on even the slightest of details, even if sometimes it is by accident, it is hard slip anything past “Mr. Monk”. Thankfully for Khurram, Monk’s obsessive compulsive disorder doesn’t come with his amazing ability. Having played through the last three MGS games, I can safely say that Revolver Ocelot is a true marksman in every sense of the word. Oh, and let’s not forget his quick draw ability. When you couple this skill with Derrick’s stealth ability, you’ll be dead before you even hear him.

Round 3: The stories of Jordan’s ability in the clutch are legendary, and we have all been witnesses to it in the past. If the game was on the line, there is no one opponents feared more than Jordan. But what often goes over looked is Jordan’s willingness to pass in clutch situations (see the 1995 Finals and Steve Kerr, or the 1991 Finals and John Paxson’s numerous shots from the baseline, all set up by Jordan). It is this ability to think clearly, make good decisions, and virtually have time slow to a standstill when the pressure is on, that Derrick drafted. It was an outstanding choice. With the economy now in the tank, Khurram’s pick looks particularly prescient. Everyone needs help getting out of this mess, and Khurram now has the skills of perhaps the one man who has enough forward thinking to navigate these treacherous waters. How tough is Chuck Norris? Well, his keyboard has no ctrl key because Chuck Norris is always in control. Also, he can kill two stones with one bird. Oh, and let’s not forget, Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding. If you want more ways, you know where to go: Chuck Norris facts. Eric closes out the round and the category with George Washington’s leadership ability. Washington was a great leader, who seemingly existed for the sole purpose of commanding a small band of Revolutionary soldiers against the British Empire. Some men are born to lead. Others apparently, need to draft that ability.

Overall Impressions: I think its safe to say that I like my selections a lot more than anyone else’s. I don’t understand this incessant need to draft a sleuthing ability, but perhaps that would be my downfall if someone secretly plants a bomb in my hotel room or something. My favorites from everyone else include Jordan's clutch, Bill Clinton speaking, and Robin Hood archery.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Category 11: Beverage (Not Water)





Banana Berry Smoothie

Miller High Life (Champagne of Beers)

Jack Daniels

Get up and Goji Smoothie

Orange Juice

Johnnie Walker Blue


Chocolate Milkshake

V8 Acai Mixed Berry

Cherry Slurpee

Mango Juice


Round 1: Eric starts off the category with Banana Berry Smoothie from Tropical Smoothie. I’ve never had this smoothie so I cannot really comment on it, except to say that a smoothie is probably a good choice in the first round. Its refreshing, healthy and could perhaps be a meal substitute in a pinch. As for my choice of Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers, it is also refreshing, and while not healthy, it too could probably be used a meal substitute in a pinch (I know. I’ve done it). Perfect for any occasion, the High Life can be busted out while watching a ballgame, at a restaurant or even at a dinner party. Three more reasons to love this beer besides its perfect taste and crisp bite: 1) It comes in a mini champagne type bottle. 2) Voted best beer by the esteemed Petros and Money radio show after it survived their tournament of beers. 3) It has hilarious commercials like this one, where High Life selling privileges have been revoked. After all, if you mess with the High Life, the High Life will mess with you. Khurram followed up my pick with Jack Daniels, one of my favorite forms of hard liquor. Either straight up or in a Jack and Coke, you will likely not find a better everyday hard liquor than my good friend Jack. Finally, Derrick bookends the round with Smoothies, the Get up and Goji Smoothie to be more specific. Goji Berries are considered to be a superfood filled with antioxidants. They are also good for your liver and would probably be pretty beneficial for Khurram and I after our respective selections. Overall, this round for me comes down to Miller High Life and Jack Daniels. I debated both before I picked, but there are other hard liquors out there (Rum for example) that I could substitute for Jack. There is no substitute for The Champagne of Beers.

Round 2: Derrick sticks with drinks from a straw and goes with the classic Chocolate Milkshake. This is an excellent pick, and its hard to imagine anyone who wouldn’t like to have a chocolate milkshake at some point in time. Khurram completes his one-two punch with coca-cola. Coke is likely the most popular soda in the world. Its popularity growing even after cocaine was removed from its ingredients, a feat few others could have achieved. Additionally, now I lose out on any possibility of hard liquor and coke. Rum and Pepsi just doesn’t have the same taste. Nevertheless, something tells me I can get by with a $75 shot of Johnnie Walker Blue. That’s right, Johnnie Walker Blue is the finest whisky in all the land, with a 750 ml anniversary bottle retailing for around $3700. Johnnie Walker Blue is Johnnie Walker’s premium blend and each bottle is serial numbered and sold in a silk-lined box accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Blends used are up to 60 years old. 86 proof. Perfection. Eric takes Orange Juice to close out Round 2. The ultimate breakfast beverage is perfect for a guy who is usually very regimented with his breakfast habits. This was definitely a solid round 2 pick.

Round 3: Eric’s last pick continues his health trend with V8 Acai Mixed Berry Juice. One reads V8 on the label and assumes this beverage won’t be very good as a juice, but in reality Acai Mixed Berry is deceptively good. Straying from alcohol (for a change) in the final round, I wanted to choose a drink that could be both refreshing and sweet. I debated on Gatorade for a moment, but felt like a Cherry Slurpee is more enjoyable. Except of course for the inevitable brain freeze. Khurram took Mango Juice in the third round, and I don’t really have much to say on it except that it is maybe my fourth favorite juice, behind Orange, Apple and Grape. Its good though. Derrick’s selection of Scotch is a quizzical one of sorts. Scotch is a type of whisky originating from Scotland. Considering we already have two whiskeys off the board, I can see the need for securing a hard liquor, but one wonders if he wouldn’t have been better off choosing a beer instead.

Overall Impressions: As the resident alcoholic, I am most pleased with my selections. Sure, I would have liked to go with the trifecta of Miller High Life, Jack Daniels and Johnnie Walker Blue, but two out of three isn’t bad. And I got the two I wanted most out of those three. The Cherry Slurpee was not a bad selection, but I think I might’ve rather chosen Apple Juice. Derrick went heavy with the smoothie type drinks. These multifaceted drinks are good selections and can satisfy two separate cravings. Plus you could always pour a little scotch into the Goji smoothie, what with the benefits Goji Berries provide to your liver and all. Khurram had three solid, middle of the road picks. There are better whiskeys out there than Jack, but for the everyman Jack is usually the go to liquor, tastes great in coke and goes down smooth either straight or in shots. You like Eric’s selection if you are concerned about health. Sure all of his drinks might be a little high in the fructose category, but there is not a drop of alcohol to be found in his selections. Additionally, one would imagine that most of that sugar content is natural. Its another solid category for this group of drafters with no major mistakes and everyone gearing their selections towards their personal preferences.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Category 10: Toy







Starscream Transformer

Optimus Prime

Derrick stays with his Ninja Turtles theme and starts off this category with the selection of the Technodrome. Wikipedia says: Although menacing at first glance, through the course of the series the Technodrome is almost always stuck somewhere (be it encased in ice, sunken under the ocean or trapped in Dimension X), making its full capabilities never realized. The closest the Technodrome came to show its full capabilities was in the finale of season three (Big Blow Out), and to a lesser extent the season 7 finale "Shredder Triumphant!" In that episode the Technodrome produced cutting equipment from hatches, raised up on hydraulic legs, and expanded the dimensional portal outwards. I believe that this toy came equipped with these hydraulic legs and cutting equipment which makes it enjoyable, however its lack of ability to “expand the dimensional portal outwards” lessens its value somewhat.

I don’t know what anyone else thinks, but I believe Khurram’s selection of Legos was the best of the round. Legos could entertain a child for ages and allows for the creation of multiple toys. This was a brilliant pick. I followed Khurram with a pick of Starscream, the transformer who is second in command of Decepticons. The first toys I really remember owning were transformers and Starscream was my favorite. Afterall how could you not like a toy that transforms into a jet? This went double for me, given my fascination with airplanes at that age. Eric closed out this category with leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. No doubt he and I could have had some serious battles with our Transformers. I always liked Optimus Prime when he was not transformed, but everytime I transformed him I always had to attach that burdensome trailer to his back. This meant that he wasn’t able to out maneuver the shiftier of Decepticons.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Category 9: Cartoons





The Simpsons

GI Joe

Darkwing Duck


This is an odd category for me to write up. Much like video games, everyone has really specific preferences when it comes to childhood memories of Cartoons. Obviously, Eric’s pick of The Simpsons is based on more than just childhood memories, as the cartoon remains a viable show to this day. It is also the most commercially successful cartoon ever. Additionally, because I attached the caveat of “from your childhood” to this category, it likely ruled out Family Guy, or maybe not. I would still likely pick GI Joe, and Khurram might very well have taken Darkwing Duck. Simply put, I doubt Khurram can imagine growing up with Darkwing Duck. And I know that I could not have lived without GI Joe (and knowing is half the battle…sorry, I couldn’t resist). Of course another show that was influential in my childhood was the totally gnarly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I mean I even went to see a Ninja Turtles concert when I was in second grade. Therefore, Derrick’s pick of TMNT was excellent in my eyes. Overall, I have no complaints about anyone’s picks in this category.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Category 8: Video Games (Old School)





Super Mario 3

Super Mario

Tetris (NES)

Street Fighter 2

Streets of Rage 3

Tecmo Super Bowl

TMNT Arcade

Empire Strikes Back

Bubble Bobble

Contra 3

Mega Man 2

NBA Jam Tournament Edition

Round 1: Derrick started off the round with in my opinion, the best Super Mario Bros. ever made. It was probably the pre-eminent game of the NES, garnered numerous accolades and was even featured in a movie. This is an outstanding pick, though ultimately just a derivative of the next pick. Khurram followed with what is the genesis of all modern platforming games. Though the game is obviously of lesser quality that Super Mario 3, there is something about the game that always brings back a certain level of nostalgia. I can still hear the underwater and underground themes in my head to this day (though that may say more about my sanity than anything else). When you couple that with the fact that the game threw in secret warps, fireballs, hammer brothers, and the gay toad at the end of every major world, this has to be the best pick of the round. If we are judging this category based purely on replayability, then it is likely I would win as Tetris was my pick in round 1. Though the game has enjoyed many iterations, the version that appeared on the NES is still one of the most enjoyable games of all time and is at least in present times, perhaps the most widely played game on this list. Eric’s pick of Street Fighter 2 to end the first round means that everyone drafted a first round quality pick in the initial round for the first time in a long time. Street Fighter 2 was the fighter that all other fighters were measured against in that time. Though the Mortal Kombat series gained notoriety for its gore, and Dead or Alive for its, um, “bounciness”, no other game combined a simple yet deep fighting system, unique fighters and styles, an artistic beauty, and memorable mythos like Street Fighter 2 did. Nevertheless, because of its role as the Godfather of modern video games, this round has to belong to Khurram with Super Mario Bros.

Round 2: Eric starts off round 2 with Empire Strikes Back, a solid but unspectacular game unless you are a big Star Wars fan. Eric is, so I understand this pick. I followed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from the arcade. I remember wasting quite a few quarters at the arcade at Melbourne Square Mall among other places trying to beat this game. The Ninja Turtles were hugely popular in those days, and I believe that there has yet to be a better game featuring the Turtles than that arcade version. Though the first round was relatively close, Khurram blew everyone out this round with his pick of Tecmo Super Bowl. This was the football franchise for that era and almost anybody who has played it with friends can attest to the greatness of its simple yet engaging football mechanics. Its predecessor Tecmo Bowl may be better known in some circles, but anybody who’s anybody knows that Tecmo Super Bowl was the best version. Derrick finishes off round 2 with Streets of Rage 3. Sides scrolling brawlers may have reached their peak with this iteration of Streets of Rage 3. Sure games like Double Dragon and the unforgettable Battletoads (or the all time classic combination of the two) garnered more attention. But with 3 character archetypes, a fast pace and a healthy level of violence, its hard to argue with the selection of Streets of Rage 3.

Round 3: I HATE Derrick’s selection of Bubble Bobble if only because I just spent 10 minutes on youtube watching someone play Bubble Bobble and now I want to play it. This was a classic game that featured multiple extensions on the ending and created an enjoyable multiplayer experience as well. Khurram closes out his stellar round with Contra 3, perhaps the last of the great Contra games. Do I really need to extrapolate on the greatness of this game? Not hardly, though I am tempted to. I took Megam Man 2 next because that game was and is my archnemesis. I couldn’t beat it when I was a kid and I struggle even more with it now. I loved the idea of a mix between a platformer and a shooter and fighting through different levels to reach the unique bosses and obtaining their abilities. The game was an extreme source of frustration. You know that thin line between love and hate? This game straddles that line for me. Eric ends the round and category with a game we all know and love, NBA Jam Tournament Edition. This game took arcade hoops to a whole new level and featured stellar graphics to boot. And who could ever forget: “He’s heating up!”….”He’s on fire”. At which point all hell would break loose with people swinging elbows and trying to goal tend shots like crazy. Oh, and the summersault dunks and secret codes for awesome players and big heads. I think Eric takes this round.

Overall Analysis: Khurram’s selection in round 2 couple with his narrow win in round 1 and solid pick in round 3 means he pretty much walked away with this category. It was slightly closer than I first imagined it would be, but still this was the best piece of drafting we have seen from Khurram so far.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Category 7: Video Games (Modern)





Colony Wars

Metal Gear Solid


Final Fantasy 7


Red Alert

Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Tomb Raider Legend

Red Alert 2

Shadow of the Colossus

Civilization 3

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Round 1: Eric starts us off with Colony Wars which in my opinion was a wasted pick, as no one would’ve taken Colony Wars in this draft besides him. My choices came down to Metal Gear Solid of Final Fantasy 7 because both games introduced me to the Playstation. Solid Snake has become an icon in the video game world and MGS was the first game that I know of to feature a cinematic story along with classic game play. Khurram made an excellent choice with GTA 4 as the game is extremely popular and must be so for a reason. I’m not exactly a big fan of the GTA games, but I do understand their appeal. Derrick closed the first round out with Final Fantasy 7. It is a first round quality game for sure and I would’ve drafted it on the way back if given a chance. Looking at it objectively, I might have to give the edge to Khurram based on a pure popularity stand point, but I’d prefer to either play MGS or Final Fantasy 7 over any of the GTA’s. Bottom line, 3 of the first 4 games chosen were first round quality and a case could be made for any of them.

Round 2: Derrick kicks off round 2 with Tomb Raider Legend. I knocked Eric for taking Colony Wars in the first round, so one might think I would do the same with Derrick as it is highly unlikely that anyone would’ve taken Tomb Raider Legend before his next pick. However, the game is quality (not to say that Colony Wars is not) so Derrick’s excellent first round pick makes up for this one. Khurram went with Mortal Kombat Trilogy. I can think of a few better fighters out there, but the Mortal Kombat series has always offered its unique style to gamers and for some that outweighs any possible lack of depth. That being said, the game was still solid, and much like my reasoning with Derrick’s pick this round, I cannot knock this pick. I went with Red Alert, my favorite RTS of all time in terms of pure game play. For the RTS savants out there, I know there are better games, but RTS was the gold standard of its time for quite a while and that combined with its awesome soundtrack, cheesy storyline and Tanya, make this another solid pick. Eric closed out the round with by far the best pick. Though I never got into Starcraft, its appeal is inarguable. This is a game that caused deaths in Korea because people played it too much. An outstanding pick for Eric to make up for his reach in the first round.

Round 3: Eric goes back to back RTS games which would be okay in some circumstances but in doing so made a grave error in leaving out what I thought was one of his favorite games of all time: Shadow of the Collosus. Of course, I took this game as soon as he let it fall by the wayside. In terms of originality, creativity and ambience there is without question no other game like it. In my opinion it was the best pick of the round. I have never played Civilization 3 so I cannot comment in depth about it, except to say that I have heard good things and Round 3 is usually about personal preferences more than anything else anyways. Though I do kind of wonder where Prince of Persia is on Khurram’s list. Derrick closed the category out with Ninja Gaiden Sigma, a beautifully designed game featuring a ninja who is cold-blooded killing machine. Good times!

Overall Impressions: I refuse to declare a winner this round. I obviously like my picks more than anyone else’s, but no one made an egregious error in my opinion. Though I heavily questioned the Colony Wars pick by Eric it ultimately did not come back to hurt him as he got a first round caliber game in the second round. Eric missed out on Shadow, and I may have preferred Final Fantasy 7 or MGS4 now that I have almost finished the game, but games are based so much on personal preferences (consider: people’s preferences of one genre over another, or story vs. gameplay vs. graphics, length of time involved in the game, multiplayer capabilities…who am I to say one is absolutely better than another…I acknowledge that I am an arrogant bastard, but not enough to do that) that I really can’t fault any one set of picks.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Category 6: Movies

Players may choose any five movies. If a movie belongs to a series, each movie in the series is counted individually





The Dark Knight

Godfather I

The Matrix


Godfather II

Coming to America

Friday Night Lights

Shawshank Redemption

Dumb and Dumber

Devil’s Advocate


Empire Srikes Back

Field of Dreams

5th Element

A Few Good Men

Return of the Jedi

Cinderella Man

A Beautiful Mind


Space Balls

Round 1: Derrick starts us off with his favorite movie of all time, and after just watching it in IMAX, I like the pick and understand where its coming from. Because he picked first this category, he had to be sure he got Dark Knight with his first pick, as it certainly wouldn’t have been available on the way back. Khurram went with the ultimate classic movie Godfather I. It is THE mob movie and was the likely genesis of The Sopranos and the overrated Scarface. I went with The Matrix, a movie that I will always associate with some of the best days of my youth. It also pretty much redefined movies as we know them, and produced countless knockoffs, including two of its own sequels. Eric, the ultimate history teacher, closed out the round with Glory. I cannot deny that it is an excellent movie, but I think he could’ve gotten it a bit later. I also can’t help but ask Mr. Miller where Gettysburg is on his list. Ultimately, I give round 1 to me. But just barely.

Round 2: Eric doubles up on the emotional flicks with Shawshank Redemption. An instant classic according to TNT (and remember, they know drama), and me. At one point in time Shawshank Redemption may have been the single most underrated movie of all time, at least with respect to the viewing public. But now that it shows up on TV all the time, its hard for me to believe that that continues to be the case. I took Friday Night Lights, quite possibly the best modern day sports movie ever made and one of the few films that didn’t fuck up an excellent book. All three of the other movies in this category might be more beloved, but to me, none of them tops Friday Night Lights. “Can you be perfect?” Back when Eddie Murphy was still Eddie Murphy he made films like Beverly Hills Cop and Coming to America. Eddie Murphy was hilarious in that era, and I like this pick a lot by Khurram. However, I can’t help but wonder if Khurram couldn’t have waited a round and instead secured the Godfather II to match his pick in the first round. But since he didn’t, Derrick did. I know some consider II to be a better film than one, but either way, I would think you need both to be truly satisfied. Therefore, I give round 2 to Eric.

Round 3: Derrick takes comedy gold with Dumb and Dumber. I remember watching that movie in theatres and laughing so hard my body hurt by the time I left. Excellent pick. Khurram threw a curveball in this round by taking the Devil’s advocate. I just don’t get this pick at all. Its not like the movie was that great, though I do believe there was some gratuitous nudity at one point (a trait sorely lacking by the films on this list). Khurram could’ve taken this mediocre movie in the last round as I find it hard to believe anyone had this on their top 5 or 10 lists. I took a much better Al Pacino movie when I picked Heat. DeNiro and Pacino facing off as criminal mastermind and cop? A hall of fame scene in a diner where they size each other up and know that each is as good at what he does as the other? Natalie Portman playing Pacino’s depressed step daughter? And Val Kilmer doing Val Kilmer type things? How could you not love that? Maybe its because you couldn’t take the heat. Eric closes out round 3 with Empire Strikes Back, the best of all the Star Wars movies. Even still, if I am flipping through channels and Dumb and Dumber is on TBS and Empire Strikes back is on TNT, I think I have to stick with Dumb and Dumber, so Derrick takes this round.

Round 4: “If you build it, they will come”. I like this movie. A lot. I’ve heard stories of guys breaking up with girls because the girls didn’t like Field of Dreams. It has baseball, baseball history, family, drama, emotion, Costner in his prime, and Mr. This is CNN himself, James Earl Jones. When it’s on, I’ll watch it until almost the end. But every time Costner goes out to play catch with his dad I always seem to have to go cut some onions or something. Sticking with his surprising picks, Khurram goes with the 5th element. I still don’t know how I feel about this movie except for Chris Tucker can be really funny and annoying all at the same time. Let’s just move on. I took A few Good Men this round, and though you can insert MANY gay jokes right here, I prefer to ignore the title and focus on the movie itself. First you have Tom Cruise acting like Tom Cruise before anyone really knew what that was. Second, you have Demi Moore as the incompetent female attorney. A role that set back notions of equality for women a decent number of years. Then you have Jack Nicholson who has some extremely memorable lines. Everyone knows the “you can’t handle the truth!” quote, but I prefer to remember these two: “You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall.” And “I’m going to rip your eyes out and piss in your dead skull. You fucked with the wrong marine”. Anyways, Aaron Sorkin wrote the movie and play, and virtually anything Aaron Sorkin writes, I’ll watch. Finally, Eric added to his Star Wars cupboard by taking Return of the Jedi. I’m going with A Few Good Men this round, just barely edging out Field of Dreams (I can never watch the end) and Return of the Jedi (penalized slightly as a stand alone for this round).

Round 5: Instead of going with a New Hope and capturing the original trilogy, Eric goes with space balls. Though I thought the movie was very good, I also enjoy the fact that Eric went Empire Strikes Back in Round 3, Return of the Jedi in Round 4, and Space Balls in Round 5. This is hilarious to me and I don’t even know why. The Superbad pick by me was somewhat of a panic pick as I realized I had not yet picked a comedy and had to this round or not at all. Superbad was the first one that popped into my head, and I am not disappointed in it all. Though I do kind of wish I either eschewed the comedy angle all together (and gone with one of those over the top action movies like one of the Die Hards, Top Gun or Speed), or gone with the action comedy (Rush Hour, Shanghai Noon and of course Beverly Hills Cop all come to mind). Khurram makes up for two shaky rounds with A Beautiful Mind. Russell Crowe really hit the role out of the park. Outstanding value in the 5th round. Derrick closes out the round with another Russell Crow selection, this time Cinderella Man. The movie was good, the book was even better, and yet at the end of the day I have to go with Khurram and A Beautiful Mind this round.

Overall Impressions: I’m going to give the round to me though I hate giving myself too much credit when doing one of these writeups. I could’ve chosen a better comedy perhaps but as far as a range of different movies and attempting to avoid incomplete series (I conveniently ignore the fact that The Matrix 2 and 3 even exist) I think I did the best job.

But forget that, there are some more pressing matters: Some movies I am surprised didn’t make the list: Any of the first 4 Rocky movies (almost a large enough error to disqualify me and Derrick),Rocky Balboa, Top Gun, The Replacements (Nan Desu Ka!), Speed, Beverly Hills Cop, Gladiator, A movie from the Bond Series, Any one of the Lord of the Rings movies, Major League, Dead or Alive (just seeing if anyone is still reading this), Austin Powers, A random Will Smith movie (Independence Day, anyone?), Ocean’s 11, Rounders, Napolean Dynamite, The Karate Kid, and Pootie Tang (that one’s for you Khurram).